Monday, November 12, 2012

Il Torre - The Leaning Tower of Pisa

     One of the most well-known landmarks in Italy is the Leaning Tower of Pisa.  In Pisa it is simply referred to as "Il Torre" which means "The Tower."  Pisa was not too far from Rome, so one day we took a quick day trip there by train.  When we arrived at the train station, we wandered the streets following the signs to the tower.  When we got there, I was surprised to see the Duomo and the Baptistry.  I had always pictures the Leaning Tower by itself but there are two other buildings very close to it.

     After admiring the tower, we took cheesy tourist pictures.  We had a lot of fun pretending to hold the tower up and pretending to push it over.  When we left, we tried some homemade jelly donuts at a local shop and then got back on the train and headed to Florence!

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