Monday, November 19, 2012


     Florence, or Firenze, is the capital of the region of Tuscany.  It is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance and is famous for its historical landmarks.  Among these are the Duomo and the Ponte Vecchio.  The Duomo is one of the largest churches in Italy and used to have the largest dome in the world.  Next to the Duomo are the baptistery and the bell tower.  In person, the Duomo is so much larger than it appears in pictures.  To learn more about the Duomo, click here.     

     The Ponte Vecchio, which translates to "Old Bridge," is one of the most interesting things I've ever seen.  The bridge is one of many crossing the Amo River in Florence.  What makes it so unique are the shops built on the sides of the bridge.  Most of the stores are very expensive jewelry stores.  The bridge was extremely crowded; I could barely move.  People were walking around, taking pictures, painting, singing and playing music, and shopping.  It was very busy but I liked it.

     When we left the Ponte Vecchio, we went to the leather market and then to Gusta Pizza.  Gusta Pizza is a tiny pizzeria that is constantly packed to capacity.  Most people order their pizzas and take them outside to eat on the sidewalk or one of the bridges.  Why do so many people wait so long for pizza only to have to eat it elsewhere?  Because Gusta Pizza makes the best pizza in Florence.  It is a favorite of study abroad students and locals.  Not only is the pizza delicious, you also get to watch the chefs toss the pizza dough in the air before baking it in their huge stone ovens.  My mouth is watering as I type this.  If you're ever in Florence, make Gusta Pizza your first and last stop!    

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