Sunday, October 7, 2012


     Sicily is one of the most breathtaking places I've been.  Some friends and I took a short plane ride to the island for part of our spring break.  We stayed in Palermo for the duration of the trip but took several day trips to other places.  One of the trips was to Mondello Beach.  We took a city bus about 45 minutes to the beach.  The water was unbelievably clear.

     One of the other day trips was to the city of Cefalù.  There is a mountain there that we hiked.  The hike wasn't too difficult and the view from the top was incredible; there is just no other way to describe it.  We stood on top of old ruins of a castle and looked down at the beautiful ocean.

     I wish we had had more time in Sicily to see more of the island.  I hope to go back someday and visit other parts.  It was such a wonderful trip!  If you ever go, make sure you get some seafood! It's delicious and everything is fresh.

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