Monday, September 17, 2012

Discovering Rome

     I did a study abroad program in Rome, Italy during the spring semester of 2012.  I spent four months there and I did a lot of traveling during that time.  In this blog, I will share with you the best of those travels.  Of course, the first place I explored was Rome! 

     Rome is the capital of Italy and it is also referred to as "The Eternal City."  There are so many amazing things to see in Rome.  Among the most famous are the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, and St. Peter's Basilica. I saw all of these things during my few weeks in Rome. 

     The Trevi Fountain, or Fontana di Trevi, is my personal favorite.  Can you see why?

     The Trevi Fountain is something that I'd wanted to see for years and it did not disappoint! It's absolutely gorgeous!  Legend says if you throw a coin into the fountain and wish to return to Rome, someday you will.  I certainly hope I do! More information on the Trevi Fountain.

     The Pantheon was originally built as a temple to the gods of Ancient Rome.  Now, it is a Catholic church and the burial place of two Italian kings.  There is an opening in the top of the dome that lets sunlight in.  It's really amazing to go to the Pantheon when it's raining.  The rain comes down right in the middle of the room!  More information on the Pantheon.  


     St. Peter's Basilica is a Catholic church inside the Vatican City.  It is the Pope's principle church.  St. Peter is buried here as well as many other Popes.  This church is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.  Almost everything is made of marble and it is truly breathtaking.  Michelangelo, Bernini, Bramante, and Carlo Maderno helped design the church.  St. Peter's Basilica also houses Michelangelo's sculpture Peità. More Information on St. Peter's Basilica.

     If you visit Rome, these are three monuments you must see! 

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