Monday, October 22, 2012


     Tuscany is one of the most gorgeous, peaceful places I've ever been.  It's also home to some of the greatest food I've ever eaten! This trip was arranged by my school so we didn't have to do any planning.  Saturday, we took a bus from the station in Rome to Tuscany.  We spent most of our time in the city of Pienza.  Our first stop though, was Cantina Tanagatta.  We had a delicious meal and then toured the cantina and got to see where they make the wine.  The owner even let us try some wine right out of the barrel!  

     On the way into Pienza, I found my dream home.  It was so simple and perfect; I loved it! It was also right across the road from a field of wild tulips! How awesome is that?  The sunset that night was stunning.  The vivid colors over the hills were so beautiful.

Sunday, we toured Pienza and tasted the famous Pecorino di Pienza.  Pecorino is a cheese made from sheep's milk; it's a specialty of Pienza.  The streets were so cute and the cheese shop smelled absolutely amazing.  I loved the cheese so much that I bought a whole wheel to take back to the U.S. with me and split up as gifts for friends.

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